10 Milieu & groene leefomgeving
 >  The New Way of Operating
Discussion > Discuss this with your colleagues!

Discuss the following topics with each other:

  1. Do you know what the New Way of Operating entails?
  2. What can you do to reduce fuel consumption?
  3. How did you find out about this?

Over the coming years, Heijmans aims to evolve into the most sustainable construction group in the Netherlands. The core of Heijmans’s sustainability vision is that it adds or creates instead of extracts. This applies not only for materials, but also for the use of space and energy. Sustainability and socially responsible enterprise (CSR) are important themes in this respect.

Heijmans devotes constant attention to the impact of its activities on the environment. We monitor the effects and record these in our environmental management system. Furthermore, we are ISO 14001 certified and hold a Level 5 CO2 Awareness Certificate 3.0. By having and retaining these certificates, we demonstrate that we actually take measures to reduce the impact of our activities on the environment. One of these measures is our constant focus on the consumption of fuel at our projects. This toolbox is about reducing the fuel consumed by excavation materiel, also referred to as the New Way of Operating. In January 2015, the operators employed by Heijmans attended a day’s training on this subject. The New Way of Operating is about more than operating a machine. This is why this toolbox devotes attention to the efficient and effective use of material at our projects. This toolbox is also suitable for subcontractors.

There are several factors that affect fuel consumption:

Avoid unnecessary handling by:

  • Reducing throttle
  • Calmly accelerating
  • Looking ahead
  • Keeping lane free
  • Smart terrain layout
  • Smart route choice
  • Proper loading and unloading position
  • Cooperating/arrangements with subcontractors
Contaminated fuel filter

Idling is not prohibited, but...:

  • In the morning do not idle more than 5 minutes (warm up), then calmly drive away/calmly start working.
  • Before the break and end of workday, reduce RPMs (in favour of turbo engine and cooling), but do not need to keep idling.

Never leave machine idling, not even during a brief interruption of work!

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Using your machine effectively; a number of tips from actual practice:

  • Ensure there is, or ask for, a daily work start meeting
  • Make sure that in the morning you take everything you need that day along with you
  • When excavating more than 0.5 m, excavate in layers
  • Keep the side link at an angle of 15° while filling the bucket (when the bucket is in the right position, the operation takes less power)
  • Do not overfill the bucket to avoid spillage and double work
  • Do not overfill transport equipment
  • Ensure you have the right attachment for the work
  • Use steel road plates to provide for flat entry or exit route on work site

In addition:

  • In cold weather, use vehicle heater when the machine is halted
  • Limit the use of air conditioning and excessive lighting
  • In consultation with the carrier, select a simple setup for loading trucks
  • Discuss the work with each other: working efficiently equals working together!

Zero Emission (ZE) material

Now that Heijmans increasingly works with zero emission (ZE) materiel, primarily electrically powered, the (temporary) electric power supply at the construction site is becoming increasingly more important. Not only for regular activities, but also for charging ZE material. ZE material, in contrast to the ‘old normal’, requires lots of extra capacity. It is important to be aware of this as well.

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